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Center for Southeast Asian Studies > Current Initiatives > Ub-ufok Ad Fiallig Overview > Videos


These are the videos which accompany each module. For full teaching modules, please see the module page.

Barlig is a remote town in Mountain Province, Northern Philippines. The written word did not reach the Ifiallig (the people of Barlig) until the early 20th century. Hence, for thousands of years the traditions of the people in the region were handed down orally through generations.

The Ifiallig would sit around the fires of the ator (village council-house) to listen to tales of their hero-ancestors like Linmipaw and Amfusnun. When work in the payyiw (ricefields) is done, the umu-ufok, venerable elders and storytellers, recount these stories in their own language they call Finallig. These ub-ufok, stories, which were handed down for many generations, serve as a record of their history, genealogy and cultural traditions.

From stories around the ator to digital comic books.........

Module 1. Tilag: The rainbow who lived among the Ifiallig

High up in the mountains of the Cordilleras, a rainbow named Tilag conceals her identity and chooses to live among the Ifiallig. One day, Tilag appears to a young hunter. Smitten by her beauty, he immediately asks her hand in marriage. Soon Tilag gives birth to their children, but mysterious things began to happen…. This story is derived from the narrative of village elder Jerson Ayongchi.

Module 2. Kutuktin: The monster who terrorized Fiangtin

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A young Ifiallig hunter was chosen by his village to fight a monster who ate the keeper of the fire in the ator. This story was derived from the narrative of village elder Arfonso Nacleo

Module 3. Amfusnun: What happens when you fall in love with your enemy?

Amfusnun, Barlig’s hero-ancestor and forefather of many of today’s Ifiallig people, fell in love with a woman he was supposed to kill during headhunting. Instead of capturing her head, he asked for her hand in marriage. This is a tale of valor and deception derived from the narrative of vilage elder, Arfonso Nacleo, as passed on to him by Churay.

Module 4. Linmipaw: A strong-willed enchantress who won’t take no for an answer

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Limnipaw is a story about a fateful encounter between an Ifiallig man and a strong-willed allukoy (fairy) who forced him into marriage.

Module 5. Siblaw Taraw: A star who couldn’t get home

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Our ancestors used to stare in wonder at the mysteries of the heavens. Who is up there? It is without a doubt full of beautiful heavenly beings according to the Ifiallig. They know, because one of them married a celestial being. This story is about a star who came down to Barlig. It is derived from the narrative of village elder Arfonso Nacle.

Module 6. Maanam-am: The water that could speak

 Young, arrogant and mischievous hunters of Maanam-am suffered the wrath of Bathala (God) who they disrespected out of their careless behavior.

Module 7. Kiangsa: The gong with a mind of its own

This story is about a kiangsa (gong) that foretells death as it plays melancholy music that echoed throughout the land.

Module 8. Tabfiad: The monster that devoured a village

This story is about the Tabfiad, a gigantic snake with legs, that terrorized Fiallig.

Module 9. Kopkoppatti: Sympathetic Magic, Land Ownership and the Babaylan (Shaman)

This story is about an old man named Wawwus who encountered an old woman with magical powers.  Derived from the narrative of Arfonso Nacleo.

Module 10. Uwak (Crow) at Fianyas (Iguana): Tattoo Tradition and Expression of Beauty

The Uwak and Fianyas is a narrative retold by Jerzon Ayongchi that traces the roots of tattooing practice among the Ifiallig. It is a tale that explains the hostility between the crow who gave the iguana a beautiful and intricate tattoo while he emerged covered in black soot thanks to the lazy iguana.