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Center for Southeast Asian Studies > SEA Specialists by Country

SEA Specialists by Country

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies has access to the largest concentration of Southeast Asia specialists available in the United States, drawing upon the expertise of over fifty professors and resources specialists at the University of Hawaiʻi and in the local community.

Students and scholars interested in Southeast Asia can draw upon professors and experts in the field from over twenty-five programs, including American StudiesAnthropology and ArchaeologyArchitecture, Asian Studies, Art and Art HistoryBotany, Business, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Ethnomusicology, Film, GeographyHistoryGlobal StudiesLawLibrary ScienceLinguisticsMusicNatural Resources and Environmental Management, Political SciencePublic AdministrationSociologySoutheast Asian Languages and Literatures (Tagalog, Ilokano, IndonesianKhmerThai and Vietnamese (with Arabic also available)), Sustainability StudiesTextiles and ClothingTheatre and DanceUrban and Regional Planning and Women’s Studies.

Randle C. DeFalco, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | William S. Richardson School of Law
International criminal law, Cambodia | Google Scholar | spotlight

Sothy Eng, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty |  Department of Family and Consumer Science
Cambodian education including access and equity, program development and evaluation, child and adolescent learning and development, family and community development | Google Scholar | webpage

Jefferson Fox, Ph.D. | Retired Affiliate | Senior Research Fellow, East-West Center
Land cover, forest resource management, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia | website

Piphal Heng, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Department of Anthropology, (TBA)
Political economy, religious-ideological changes, state formation in early modern Southeast Asia | website | spotlight

Paul Lavy, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Art & Art History
Southeast Asian art, Hindu-Buddhist traditions of the peninsular Thailand, Mekong Delta & Preangkorian civilizations | website | spotlight

Jonathan Padwe, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Anthropology
Southeast Asian anthropology, agrarian transition in Southeast Asia | website | War & Recovery in Northeast Cambodia

Chhany Sak-Humphry, Ph.D.| UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Khmer (Cambodian) language, linguistics, language and technology | website

Miriam Stark, Ph.D.| UHM Faculty | Department of Anthropology
Southeast Asian archaeology, Lower Mekong Archaeological Project, Greater Angkor Project | website | Faculty Spotlight | Google Scholar | Publications | Training Cambodian Archaeologists | Imagining Angkor: Politics, Myths and Archaeology | Premodern Khmers and their Mekong

Courtney Work, Ph.D. | Affiliate Faculty | Assistant Professor, Department of Ethnology, National Chengchi University (Taiwan)
Cambodia, Land, Spirit, Religion, Climate Change | Google Scholar | website

Ming-Li Yong, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Fellow, East-West Center
Transboundary water governance, development, livelihoods, public participation in the Mekong River Basin | website | spotlight

Barbara Watson Andaya, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
History of Southeast Asia, women in the Malay world, Asian studies | ResearchGate | Google Scholarwebsite

Leonard Andaya, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of History
History of Southeast Asia, Malay world | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Ashok Das, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Urban planning and poverty issues in Indonesia and Southeast Asia | Affordable Housing for Hawaiʻi and Native Hawaiians

Patricia (Pattie) Dunn | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Pan-Southeast Asia, Indonesia, gamelan, educational advising | website

Jerome Feldman, Ph.D. | Affiliate Faculty | Hawaiʻi Pacific University
Tribal arts of Southeast Asia | website

Jefferson Fox, Ph.D. | Retired Affiliate | Senior Research Fellow, East-West Center
Land cover, forest resource management, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Lisa X. Gollin, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Cultural Surveys Hawaiʻi
Medical anthropology, ethnobotany and ethnobiology, Indonesia | Google Scholar

Aya Hirata-Kimura, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Women’s Studies
Sociology, food and environmental issues, Indonesia, women’s studies | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Ehito Kimura, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Political Science
Southeast Asian politics | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Uli Kozok, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Indonesian language, paleography of island Southeast Asia | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

John Lynham, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Economics
Environmental/resource economics, marine ecology and behavioral economics | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Bradley McDonnell, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Linguistics
Language Documentation, Syntax, Phonology, Sumatra | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website | spotlight

Byron Moon, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Music
Javanese gamelan | website

Rohayati Paseng | UHM Faculty | Hamilton Library, Southeast Asia Collection
Southeast Asia library resources, Southeast Asian film, translation/film subtitling | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Kirstin Pauka, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Theatre & Dance
Southeast Asian dance /drama, Randai (West Sumatra), Balinese Theatre & Dance | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Annie Reynolds, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Curator EWC Gallery, East-West Center
Southeast Asian theater & performance, Indonesia

L. Ayu Saraswati, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Associate Professor, Department of Women’s Studies, feminist media, transnational & postcolonial feminism, women’s body image and beauty culture | Google Scholar | website

Krisna Suryanata, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Geography & Environment
Political ecology agriculture and food, community-based management | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

R. Anderson “Andy” Sutton, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Vice Chancellor International Exchange, Ethnomusicology, Javanese performance ensemble, K-Pop | website

I Made Widana | Affiliate | Artist-in-Residence, Asian Theatre, Department of Theatre & Dance
Balinese music and dance instructor 

Ming-Li Yong, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Fellow, East-West Center
Transboundary water governance, development, livelihoods, public participation in the Mekong River Basin | website | spotlight

Barbara Watson Andaya, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
History of Southeast Asia, women in the Malay world, Asian studies | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Leonard Andaya, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of History
History of Southeast Asia, Malay world | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Chet-Yeng Loong, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Music
Music education | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Kevin Woods, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Adjunct Senior Fellow, Research Program, East-West Center
Politics of land use change, resource extraction, and environmental conservation; resources and armed conflict dynamics; environmental peace building; Chinese investment in Southeast Asia; mainland Southeast Asia, with focus on Burma/Myanmar | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Patricio “Jojo” Abinales, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Muslim Philippines/Mindanao, middle class-elite violence, food | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Aurelio Agcaoili, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Ilocano language and literature | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Precious Mae B. Arao, M.A. | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Tagalog, Philippine culture, effects of Filipino-American identity in language learning | website

Pia C. Arboleda, D.A. | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Tagalog, Philippine literature, film translation/subtitling | ResearchGateGoogle Scholar | website

Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Management
Agricultural economics, agri-entrepreneurship in Mindanao | ResearchGate | Google Scholarwebsite

Elena Clariza  | UHM Faculty | Hamilton Library, Philippine Collection
Library resources, educational resources development | Google Scholar | website

Dean Domingo | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Ilocano, Philippine literature | website

Imelda Gasmen  | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Tagalog, Philippine literature | website

Patricia Halagao, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | College of Education
Curriculum studies, multicultural education | Google Scholar | website

Roderick N. Labrador, Ph.D.  | UHM Faculty | Department of Ethnic Studies
Race, ethnicity, class, culture, language, migration, education, hip hop, and cultural production among Filipinos in Hawai’i, the US and the Philippines | Google Scholar | website

Vina Lanzona, Ph.D.  | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Department of History
Southeast Asian history, gender and revolution | Google Scholar | website

Frederico V. Magdalena, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Muslim Mindanao | website

Clemen Montero | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Tagalog/Ilocano language, educational program development | website

Nadezna Ortega, JD | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Ilocano language, Philippine literature | ResearchGate | Google Scholar

Jayson Parba, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
Tagalog language, Philippine literature, Social justice in education | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | website

Miriam Stark, Ph.D.| UHM Faculty | Department of Anthropology
Southeast Asian archaeology, ethnoarchaeology  in Kalinga Province (northern Luzon) | website | Faculty Spotlight | Google Scholar | Publications

Ricardo D. Trimillos, Ph.D.  | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies (Ret/Active Teaching)
Ethnomusicology, Asian studies, Muslim Philippines | Google Scholar | website

Barbara Watson Andaya, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
History of Southeast Asia, women in the Malay world, Asian studies | website

William Chapman, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of American Studies (Historic Preservation)
Southeast Asian architecture/archaeology/preservation | website

Benjamin Fairfield, Ph.D. | Affiliate Faculty | CSEAS & Department of Music
SEA Ethnomusicology, Thai music| website

Bundit Kanisthakhon, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | School of Architecture
Design and construction, Tropical architecture | website 

Paul Lavy, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Art & Art History
Southeast Asian art, Hindu-Buddhist traditions of the peninsular Thailand, Mekong Delta & Preangkorian civ | website | spotlight

Mary Mostafanezhad, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Geography
Thailand; Tourism; Agro-food initiatives; International development and humanitarianism; and Transboundary environmental governance website

Leslie Sponsel, Ph.D. | Retired Faculty
Spiritual ecology | website

Brian Szuster, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Geography
Geography of Southeast Asia, coastal/marine environments in Southeast Asia | website

Phanwin Yokying, Ph.D | Affiliate | Fellow, East-West Center
Development, labor, and agricultural economics (e.g. migration, gender, time use, child labor, informal employment) | website

J.B. Friday, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Tropical forestry, Timor-Leste agroforestry project | website

Margaret Bodemer, Ph.D. | Affiliate Faculty | Department of Anthropology | Cal Poly
Culture, history and identity in Southeast Asia website

Tung X. Bui, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Shidler College of Business, Information Technology Management
Computer-supported group decision and negotiation, management, UHM/Shidler Vietnam MBA program | website

Jefferson Fox, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Senior Research Fellow, East-West Center
Land cover, forest resource management, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia | website

Ming-Li Yong, Ph.D. | Affiliate | Fellow, East-West Center
Transboundary water governance, development, livelihoods, public participation in the Mekong River Basin | website | spotlight

John Butler, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Shidler College of Business, Management and Industrial Relations
Entrepreneurship, Southeast Asia | website

Ashok Das, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Urban planning and poverty issues Southeast Asia | website

Patricia (Pattie) Dunn | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Pan-Southeast Asia, Indonesia, gamelan, educational advising | website

Patricia Halagao, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | College of Education
Curriculum studies, multicultural education | website

Thao Le, Ph.D. | UHM Faculty | Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Mindfulness-based prevention/intervention programs; optimal development & resiliency; ethnic minority populations and cross-cultural issues | website

John Lynham, Ph.D.| UHM Faculty | Economics
Environmental and resource economics, ocean policy, Southeast Asia | website

Rohayati Paseng | UHM Faculty | Hamilton Library, Southeast Asia Collection
Southeast Asia library resources, Indonesia, Southeast Asian film, translation/film subtitling | website

David Rockwood | UHM Faculty | School of Architecture
Tropical architecture, urban design | website

Ricardo D. Trimillos, Ph.D.  | UHM Faculty | School of Pacific and Asian Studies (Ret/Active Teaching)
Ethnomusicology, Asian studies, Muslim Philippines, Pan-Pacific performing arts | website
