Plastics and Environmental Trash
Webinar 1: Plastics and Environmental Trash
Date & Time: September 22, 2021, 2:00pm – 3:30pm HST
Register here.
In recent decades, people living in the Southeast Asia have witnessed major transformations in their lives and livelihoods. This series of seminars will focus on a variety of issues—all of which have a plastic connection. The first webinar introduces the expanding problem of plastic waste in the region and community and government action to reign it in. The following webinars talk about the growth of fisheries and aquaculture, the expansion of oil palm and rubber plantations, and the politics of conservation and heritage areas. This series of four webinars will explore how communities in the region are experiencing the economic, social, and cultural dislocations of these transformations.
Doug Woodring, Founder and Managing Director, Ocean Recovery Alliance
Tiza Mafira, Co-founder & Executive Director, Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement
Marian Ledesma, Zero Waste Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia
Quach Thi Xuan, Vietnam Consultant, Pacific Environment
Moderator: Jennifer Turner, Director, China Environment Forum & Manager, Global Choke Point Initiative, Wilson Center
Part of the Fall 2021 LuceSEA Webinar Series, “Southeast Asia in Transition: Plastic Runs Through It.”
This series is made possible through funding from the Henry Luce Foundation and is co-organized by Michigan State University-James Madison College and Asian Studies Center, the East-West Center, University of Hawai’i-Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa-Center for Chinese Studies, and Chiang Mai University-Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development.