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PEMSEA Panel 8: Decolonizing Southeast Asian Archaeology

Panel 8: Decolonizing Southeast Asian Archaeology

Date & Time: September 27, 5pm HST / 8pm PST / September 28, 11am Philippine Time

Register here.


Archaeological practice in Southeast Asia has recently shifted to active engagement with local stakeholders. This is due to the realization that involving communities results in meaningful research outcomes. A growing number of investigations are actively seeking the involvement of communities as both contributors and as active and involved research participants. These undertakings humanize our community partners and counter the exclusivity often associated with scholarly authority. An increasing number of scholars approach research as inter-disciplinary, breaking state and ethnic boundaries and engaging communities, emphasizing that we no longer work alone. This panel provides examples of this trend. It is predicated on the concepts of practice and agency and their impacts on cultural heritage and archaeological practice in Southeast Asia. Panel members have worked intensively with descendant communities and will illustrate how archaeological and heritage scholars can empower indigenous and descendant communities through heritage conservation.


Piphal Heng, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa;

Udomluck Hoontrakul, Thammasat University;

Panggah Ardiyansyah, SOAS University of London;

Michael Armand Canilao, Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines;

Moderator: Rasmi Shoocondej, Silpakorn University.

This webinar is part of the PEMSEA webinar series, Historicizing Disaster Risk Management: The Ecology of Mt. Isarog and its Environs. More info here

Co-sponsors: UHCSEAS, UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies; UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology; UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies; UCLA Department of Anthropology; Center for Taiwan-Philippines Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge, and Sustainable Studies (CTPILS), National Chengchi University, Taiwan.


Sep 27 2021


Times stated in HST.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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