Congratulations to Dr. Miriam Stark!

Please join us in congratulating University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Professor of Anthropology and Center for Southeast Asian Studies Director, Miriam Stark, PhD, for being awarded a 2024 Fulbright Fellowship to use her decades of research in Cambodia to provide academic and research assistance for the Southeast Asian nation.
Dr. Stark will spend two weeks from late April to mid May 2024 at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh to complete an academic capacity-building and program evaluation project for the faculty of social sciences and humanities. Stark will provide professional development workshops for early career faculty who are on track for a PhD, as well as review the Khmer studies (Cambodian studies) MA and PhD programs and curriculum that are offered at the Royal University of Fine Arts.
Information is cited from the University of Hawaiʻi News.