Talk (Hybrid): Balinese Theatre and Community Outreach

Date and Time: Oct 12, 2022 | 2:00-3:30pm HST
Location: Moore Hall, 3rd Floor, Room: TOKIOKA
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Accomplished Balinese artist I Made Moja will speak on his experiences in the field of Balinese theatrical presentation and its wide range of applications for community educational outreach efforts. Please join us for what promises to be an enlightening talk.
Short bio:
I Made Moja is a painter, dancer, scenic artist, and director from Batuan, Bali. He now lives in the bay area in California where he works for ShadowLight and other theatre companies. He has been a guest artist for the UHM Asian Theatre program on numerous occasions, and he currently is a team member of the CSEAS-funded Jaga Alam project, which brings performance-based environment-themed educational programs to local schools.