Imagining Environmental Future in SEA: Mekong 2030

In recent decades, people living in Southeast Asia have witnessed major shifts from predominantly subsistence agriculture to industrializing economies, with attendant changes in migration, crop production systems, and major infrastructure (roads, dams, industrial estates). This webinar will explore how communities in the region are experiencing the economic, social, and cultural dislocations of these transformations. We will focus on forests, rivers, documentarians and writers, and Imaging Environmental Futures.
Kulikar Sotho, Cambodia, Director, “Soul River”
Anysay Keola, Laos, Director, “The Che Brother”
Alex Curran-Cardarelli, Producer, MEKONG 2030
Sean Chadwell, Associate Producer, MEKONG 2030, and executive director of the Luang Prabang Film Festival
Time: May 24, 2022 02:00 PM in Hawaii
To register, go to the East West Center webinar registration page.