UHCSEAS Fall 2021 Webinars

Webinar Schedule:
September 8, 12:00pm – 1:00pm HST
What Can Chinese Archaeology Contribute to the World?
Speaker: Lothar Von Falkenhausen, Archaeology & Art History, UCLA.
In conversation with Christopher Bae, Christian Peterson, Barry Rollett, and Miriam Stark (all of the Department of Anthropology, UHM).
September 30, 12:00pm – 1:00pm HST
Patterned Splendour: Textiles Depicted on Javanese Sculpture, 8th to 15th Century
Speaker: Lesley Pullen, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of History of Art and Archaeology, SOAS University of London)
Moderator: Paul Lavy, Associate Professor, Department of Art and Art History, UH Mānoa
View recording here
October 13, 2:00pm – 3:30pm HST
Brian Szuster (Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa); Senglong Youk (Deputy Executive Director & Program Director, Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT)); Wisa Wisesjindawat-Fink (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mekong Culture WELL Project, Michigan State University); Aaron Koning (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Wonders of the Mekong Project, Global Water Center, University of Nevada, Reno)
Moderator: Amanda Flaim (Assistant Professor, James Madison College and Department of Sociology, Mekong Culture WELL, Michigan State University)
Part of the SEA in Transition: Plastics Run Through It 2021 Webinar Series
See recording here.
October 14, 2:00pm – 3:00pm HST
Text and Bitext in Middle Cambodia
Speaker: Trent Walker, Postdoctoral Fellow, Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, Stanford University
Part of the UHCSEAS Fall 2021 Webinar Series
See recording here.
November 10, 2:00pm – 3:30pm HST
Roundtable: Socio-Environmental Dimensions of Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations
Vong Nanhthavong (Research Fellow, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Country Office in Laos, University of Bern); Lisa Kelley (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Denver); Andini Desita Ekaputri (PhD Candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Management Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa); Jean-Christophe Diepart (Research Associate, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège (Belgium))
Philip Hirsch (Professor Emeritus of Human Geography, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney)
Part of the SEA in Transition: Plastics Run Through It 2021 Webinar Series
Register here.
November 12, 2:00pm – 3:15pm HST
Women, War and Revolutions in Myanmar: Himalaya, Naga Hills to Thai-Burma Borderlands
Speaker: Dr. Khin Mar Mar Kyi “Dr. Mar”, Interim Director and Convener of the International Studies at the University of Oxford.
Co-hosted by UH CSEAS, and the Departments of Anthropology, Geography and Environment, Sociology
December 8, 2:00pm – 3:30pm HST
Roundtable: Politics of Conservation and Heritage
Panelists: Ana LABRADOR (Deputy Director-General for Museums, National Museum of the Philippines); Ming Chee ANG (General Manager, Georgetown World Heritage Incorporated); Masanori NAGAOKA (Programme Specialist for Culture, UNESCO Phnom Penh Office); Ajirapa PRADIT (Researcher, The Centre of Lanna Creativity and Innovation, RMUTL Chiang Mai); Worrasit TANTINIPANKUL (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University)
Moderator: Miriam Stark (UH Professor of Anthropology, and Director, UHCSEAS)
Part of the SEA in Transition: Plastics Run Through It 2021 Webinar Series
Register here.
Previous events and recordings:
PEMSEA Historicizing Disaster Risk Management Webinar Series
SEA in Transition: Plastics Run Through It 2021 Webinar Series