SEALC-GETSEA’s Upcoming Language Tuition Awards
“In an exciting new partnership, two consortia on Southeast Asian studies have joined forces to improve collaboration in the teaching of Southeast Asian languages. With support from the Henry Luce Foundation, the Southeast East Asian Language Council (SEALC) and the Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asian Studies (GETSEA) consortia award financial assistance to students who incur tuition fees when studying a Southeast Asian language during the academic year at an institution other than their home institution via synchronous distance learning. This award is intended to facilitate cross-institutional collaboration and increase access to Southeast Asian language instruction, especially for students who seek to study a language or level of study not currently offered at their home institution.”

Go here to read more about our SEALC-GETSEA Language Tuition Support awardees and exchange participants (*) from the prior academic year (2020-2021) and for the upcoming academic year (2021-2022). Also featured is graduate advisory council chair REN Chao’s experience in the language exchange!