IPAC Report 51: The Surabaya Bombings and the Future of ISIS in Indonesia

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Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC)
[Jakarta, 18 October 2018] The crackdown following the May 2018 Surabaya bombings will be an occasion for the regrouping of pro-ISIS elements in Indonesia, but support for Islamic State will continue.
“The Surabaya Bombings and the Future of ISIS in Indonesia,” the latest report from the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, examines the state of the pro-ISIS organisation Jamaah Anshorud Daulah (JAD) five months after a group of families, including young children, targeted police and churches in a series of suicide bombings in Surabaya, East Java. The bombings led to the passage of a new counter-terrorism law that in turn enabled a massive round-up of suspected terrorists just as Indonesia was getting ready to host the Asian Games – which in the end proceeded smoothly.