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Book Spotlight: Tracing the Kungfu Heritage in Indonesia

Melacak Jejak Kungfu Tradisional Di IndonesiaMelacak Jejak Kungfu Tradisional di Indonesia (Tracing the Kungfu Heritage in Indonesia). Alexander Lim, Alexander Lim, Charly Huang and Erwin Tan. Forward by Leo Suryadinata. Jakarta: Suara Harapan Bangsa, 2016.

In over 1600 pages, this richly detailed book records the life journeys of the ancestors of kungfu martial arts, their heirs, descendants and contemporary practitioners in Indonesia. Concentrating on the period since World War I, the authors trace the history of kungfu and discuss the various styles that entered Indonesia. In providing fascinating and previously unknown material, they highlight the life of 72 Chinese kungfu and clan masters as well as seven Chinese women who are regarded as kungfu heroines. Particular attention is given to the twelve Chinese Associations in Indonesia and to the “kungfu villages” established by kungfu masters and their followers who arrived from China. For those who read Indonesian, Melacak Jejak Kungfu Tradisional di Indonesia is an important contribution to our knowledge of martial arts in Southeast Asia and to the ways in which Chinese influences were transmitted, adapted and retained. It will stand as the standard reference book on this topic for the foreseeable future, and one can only hope that in the near future the most important sections will made available to an English audience.

“Melacak Jejak Kungfu Tradisional di Indonesia” Language : Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Authors: Team ACE
A = Alexander Lim
C = Charly Huang
E = Erwin Tan
Publisher : Suara Harapan Bangsa
Year Published: 1st Edition : September 2016
Exclusive Edition : February 2017

Merekam jejak perjalanan para pendahulu, pewaris, dan praktisi seni bela diri kung fu di Indonesia. Di dalamnya, penulis memaparkan sejarah kung fu di Indonesia sejak sebelum Perang Dunia I hingga sekarang, menjelaskan aliran-aliran kung fu yang masuk ke Indonesia, mengetengahkan jejak 7 pendekar wanita Tionghoa di Indonesia, membahas jejak kung fu di 12 perkumpulan Tionghoa Indonesia, serta menyuguhkan jejak kampung kung fu di Indonesia tempo dulu.

— Review written by Dr. Barbara Andaya.