LGBT Themes in Indonesian Literature
Review: Queer Indonesians’ constant search for home and belonging – Inside Indonesia
Gentlemen Prefer Asians: Tales of Gay Indonesians
Yuska Lutfi Tuanakotta
The author, a gay Indonesian who feels he is “not much of a looker,” immigrates to the USA and is inundated with shirtless joggers, same-sex public displays of affection, and the constant drive to psychoanalyze. In this poignant, witty, flippant, and trenchant collection of personal essays the author recounts his and two friends’ paths to cross-cultural gay marriage and adjusting to very new lives in the USA.
More InformationLelaki Terindah *Ket: Cetak ulang cover baru (Indonesian Edition)
Andrei Aksana
SINOPSIS: …ia potensi besar, imajinasinya kaya, bandingannya kuat. Tak percuma cucunya Sanoesi Pane dan Armijn Pane, pengarang kita ternama. Tinggallah ia menukik pada permasalahan besar kita, maka pastilah ia jadi sanjungan kita. Tapi pengarang jangan tergoda oleh pujian. Teruslah berjalan melanglang buana kehidupan! — Ramadhan KH, sastrawan, budayawan Great book! Telling us love is for every one. Puitis dan romantis. Andrei selalu bisa membuat pembaca terhanyut dan penasaran. — Ferry Salim, aktor …young & talented novelist! — Metro This Morning, Metro TV Penulis sastra yang buku-bukunya sukses dalam penjualan. — Koran Tempo … di tengah santernya novelis perempuan, Andrei Aksana menjawab pertanyaan Sapardi Djoko Darmono tentang sastrawan kontemporer laki-laki. — Harian Bisnis Indonesia …Lelaki Terindah… menjadi puncak catatan untuk novel mutakhir bertema kehidupan gay. — Kompas
Supernova: The Knight, the Princess and the Falling Star
Dewi Lestari (Author) and Harry Aveling (Translator)
Supernova: The Knight, The Princess and the Falling Star presents a series of intertwined and unconventional love stories, straight and gay, with a bit of science and spirituality added to the mix. The major characters are young, urban, and technologically highly aware. They are caught up in major forms of contemporary social conflict.The work has been highly acclaimed. The poet Taufiq Ismail has written: “A renewal has taken place in Indonesian literature over the past decade. Supernova is an intelligent, unique and truly exciting exploration of science, spirituality and the nature of love.” The literary critic Jacob Soemardjo suggests: “This is an attractive novel by a young writer. It is an intellectual work in the form of a work of pop art, set in the real world. It opposes old values with new ways of understanding, so that readers can see the world in a different way.”
Clara Ng

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